Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Contact Details..... what a noval idea

Address: Gioventu in Missione
Via Provincale 31
21031 Cadeliagno (VA)

Italian mobile number: (0039) 3466210955

checked most days usually phone on Sunday pm /evening

UK mobile: (0039) 7899797554

checked occasionally.

email: handydave64@hotmail.com

blog: thatshandydave@blogspot.com

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Caio Amica !!

Hi everyone .... Well a month in and all is good !!! The bible study is going really well even though there is alot of work.

We .... that is Roberto Latino (American) and myself study most evenings to get the work done.
But I am trying to focus on the books themselves rather than producing great course work .

As we are such as small school with only the two of us and the family it is quite informal...
We eat together like an Italian family. They cook in the week when we are busy.. and it's fine mighty fine home Italian cooking ... usually pasta based.

Books covered in the school so far include:

Mark, Luke,Galatians, Titus, Philemon Mark. They use a an inductive method .... which basically means reading the bible without external study aids. Later you seek support info from other sources. By the end of each book you have read it 5 times... Mad hey!! well you may think that anyway..

I feel it's a privlege to have the time and resources to study and because there is only two of us it keeps you focused.

If you know Anna Bryon she came over last weekend and we beelined to Lake Como in the sunshine... beautiful...

Also been to Valle Aosta, where the ski resorts are .... bring in on... !! and Torino.

If Rod & Trudy are reading this I can see why you love Switzerland.

Thanks for all your emails.

Dio ti Bendicta !!!

P.S GCC Have a great 25th Birthday Party !!!

Lake Lugano Swiss Italian border

Cadeliagno hamlet from the hill.